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The Only Property Management Software Built Only for Manufactured Housing
Save millions* by streamlining your manufactured housing operations.
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Find out why thousands of properties trust ManageAmerica to save millions*.
How we make property managers' lives easier:
• Mobile First Design. Quickly collect and upload tasks and utility reads on the go with our MA Mobile app.
• Automate Tasks. Let our software handle the boring stuff automatically like collecting rent (through email, SMS, mail, or print) sending out late notices, scheduling rent increases, and updating utility billing rates.
• Save Money. Use our automated system to update utility rates (some of our past customers have saved millions with this feature alone!)
Interested in saving millions*? We can help.
The Only Property Management Software Built Specifically for Manufactured Housing
Used by 7 of 10 largest manufactured housing communities to save time and millions*
ManageAmerica Features
Automate Billing Through Email & Text
Automatically Recertify Utility Rates
Automate Monthly Tasks
• Send utility bills and resident charges automatically through print, mail, email, or SMS
• Collect rent payments online with check scanning, ACH, EFT, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, CashPay, Money Order, Pay via Text - and receive money in 2 business days
Incorrect utility rates billed to residents is one of the largest hidden costs to manufactured housing communities.
Under/overpaying utilities can cause millions in losses and risk of lawsuits.
ManageAmerica automatically updates your current utility rates on your bills so you never miss an increase and reclaim up to millions*.
• Automated Calling & Texting System for Residents (Payment reminders, Late payments, etc)
• Calculate and schedule rent increases (Flat, CPI, Pet fees, Trash charges, etc.)
• Customized Work Order tracking system
• Manage individual loan payments and amortization schedules with 1098 reporting
• Resident tracking, screening, and management system
*Note that your results may vary based on the size of your community. These numbers are based on past results from our clients with cost savings from projected future earnings. Please book a demo to get a accurate ROI and savings based on your specific community.